1.When will I receive my child’s bus route information?
The School Bus Service Provider will be responsible to send bus route information to School and directly to parents 10-14 days prior to the commencement of academic year.
2.How can I pay for School bus fees?
Payment can be settled by Bank Transfer / Cheque / FPS / Alipay HK / Visa or Masters.
The payment method will be all shown in the invoice and the invoice will be sent to enrollers by email. Credit Card Bank charges are borne by Synergy.
3.Any penalty if I paid the fee late?
Late payment fee of 150HKD will be charged if payment is not received within 5 working days after reminder is sent. If payment is not received, School Bus Service Provider has the right to suspend the bus service for the respective student.
4.Do we receive a discount when subscribing to a whole-year school bus service?
You can enjoy 5% discount if subscribing to a whole-year school bus service and the discount will be credited with the 4th payment invoice.
5.Do we receive a discount if we have two children or more registered for the school bus service?
15% discount will apply if second children onwards to take the SAME service and SAME bus routes at the same campus.
6.Will the bus route be amended?
In normal circumstances, school bus routes are designated for whole academic year. Under special circumstances (for example during COVID-19), Synergy deserves the right of changing bus routes and schedules (pick-up/drop off time), to fulfil the latest arrangement from School and/ or Education Bureau. Bus riders and School will be notified as soon as possible.
7.Do we receive a refund if classes are suspended?
a) Before school semester starts:
If by order of Education Bureau, suspension of face-to-face classes is announced 7 days or more before the start of school semester, 100% paid bus fee shall be credited to the month that school resumes.
For example
The school semester starts on 17 August 2021, and Education Bureau announces suspension of face-to-face class on 10 August 2021 or before, paid school bus fees will be 100% credited to the month the school resumes. If the school resumes on 10 October 2021, service will start on 10 October 2021 and 1.5 month of school bus fee will be deducted accordingly.
b) After school semester started:
If Education Bureau announces suspension later than 17 August 2021, 7 days of school bus fees will be deducted, and the rest will be credited to the month that school resumes. As credit scheme is credit to the next bill, if suspension of class is more than 14 days in the last instalment period, refund will be calculated on pro-rata basis, with a cap of 50% of monthly fees. The refund will be arranged by the end of the academic year.
For example, if the class is suspended from 3 March 2022 to 10 April 2022
3 March - 31 March
29 days
Monthly School bus fee/30*15
(max. 15 days will be refunded)
1 April - 10 April
10 days
Monthly School bus fee/30*10
Monthly School Bus Fee = Year cost / 10.5months
If classes are suspended in the middle of semester for less than 14 days, no credit or refund applicable.
8.Do I receive a refund if I withdraw from School in the mid of a Semester?
Cancellation of school bus service due to withdrawal from School, is accepted with 30 day written notice in advance or one FULL calendar month’s payment in lieu of notice. Bus fee will be charged up to the month of notification, refunds on monthly pro-rata basis only. Full month bus fee is applied even student who only rides for one day in that month. After we receive refund application, we will validate with School and refund within 14 days from the last day of the student.
For example, if a student withdraws from school effective from 1st December and requests to cancel school bus service accordingly, School Bus Service Provider should receive the notice of termination on or before 31st October. If the request is received on 8th November, we will charge for November and December.
9.We have moved and I need to change my child’s address, what do I need to do?
The parent/adult-in-charge needs to contact Synergy with 30 days prior notice. We will find the best existing bus route with light adjustment (if needed) for the new address. The application will be deemed as cancellation if no seats available at the new pick-up points/ drop off points.
10.Do I receive a refund if I cancel the School Bus service in the mid of a Semester?
For students who cancel the school bus service except moving and withdrawal from School, 2 FULL calendar month advance notice shall be given to Synergy.
If the parent notifies us of withdrawal on 31 Mar 2022, the effective date will be 1 June 2022. (Payment until 31 May 2022)
11.Can I join the school bus service again after cancellation?
Re-join the school bus is available if all the previous school bus fee is paid back.
For example, if a student cancelled the school bus service and paid until 31 March 2022, he/she wants to re-join school bus from 1 May 2022, he/she needs to pay the school bus fee for 1-30 April 2022 as well.
12.How can I change to another drop off point or what do I need to do to join for one day trip only?
If student requires an alternative drop off, wishes to go home with a friend on that friend’s bus, or request a single use trip, he/she should do as follows:
Send a request with at least 2 days written notice in advance, and email to
(Peak Campus) gsisbus_peak@hksynergytravel.com
(Pok Fu Lam Campus) gsisbus_pfl@hksynergytravel.com
to check the seat availability. Once advised of availability, payment can be made.
If space is available, please email to the child's teacher too. This correspondence should be confirmed prior to 7:45am on the day of the request.
Single Trip
The pay by trip bus fee should be paid prior to the service through Synergy’s electronic payment system.
HK Island playdate/ single trip fee: $100
Kowloon/ Sha Tin playdate trip/ single trip fee: $150
Verbal requests from the students themselves about change of school bus plan will not be accepted/ accommodated. All requests subject to availability.
13.How the bus route to be set and what is the expectation time of overall route?
Synergy tries the best to accommodate all students living in different areas and to design the bus route in consideration of time and safety. To avoid any inconvenience, your early registration for the school bus service is highly appreciated so that we can arrange the best routing possible. The routes are fixed from the beginning of the academic year; any families moving or joining the school throughout the academic year will be accommodated on existing routes subject to availability.
Due to bus rider demographics, pick-up schedules may be revised. Morning bus schedules aim to have students arriving at school at 7:10am – 7:30am and as far as possible maintain a journey time of not more than 1-hour. Afternoon routes also aim to maintain journey time of max. 1-hour, however may be extended by 10-15 minutes during peak hours or unexpected traffic congestion.
14.The bus didn’t show up on time for my child. How long should he or she wait at the stop?
Your child is advised to arrive at the stop at least 3 minutes before the regular arrival time of the bus. Due to unexpected traffic situation (bus break down, roads are blocked etc), the times may not be absolutely consistent with the regular times. Bus escort / Bus Coordinator will contact you if the bus is late for more than ten minutes, so please be alert of any incoming calls/messages.
15.My child is sick or has other arrangement, and does not require the school bus services. Who should I call?
Please send the message to the School Bus Service Provider before your scheduled pick up time or call the bus escort/coordinator as early as possible in the morning to advise of the change. If a student does not take the school bus home, please contact the bus / bus escort / bus coordinator in GSIS and Synergy in advance.
16.My child left a coat (glasses, instrument, books) on the bus. What do I need to do?
Bus escorts check their buses after each run. Items left by students will be returned to students if identified or sent back to School for safe keeping. You can help by labelling all of your child’s school belongings with the child’s name.
17.In case of bad weather, what is the protocol?
If class suspension ordered by Education Bureau, school bus will not operate. If the School is in session and the weather deteriorates, we will communicate with the School for special arrangement if needed.
18.In case of a bus breakdown, what is the protocol?
A team of backup bus escorts, drivers and vehicles are at standby on HK Island side. Joint route will be one of the contingency plans to ensure all students arrive in school/destinations safely and on time. Synergy’s bus coordinator will advise the estimated arrival time of the backup bus.
19.In case my child is in a traffic accident, will I be called at once?
In case of traffic accident, bus driver or bus escort will check all students’ safety first. Call police and inform School Bus Service Provider and School instantly. Another backup school bus and bus escort will be in place and pick up students under safe circumstances. Internal investigation report will be provided to the School in 7 working days and police investigation will be shared once available.
20.Who do I need to contact in regard to complaints?
You can contact our designated onsite bus coordinator if any complaints against bus drivers or bus escorts. Bus coordinators will provide feedbacks within two working days after complaint is received. In case you feel the need to speak to our management, you can contact our Project Manager (particular email ID will be shared accordingly). We promise our communication with parents is always direct and straightway.
21.Can you explain the Communication Protocol provided by Synergy?
Bus coordinator who is bilingual is stationed at each Campus, two at Peak Campus and one at Pok Fu Lam Campus, to coordinate students’ drop-off or leave arrangement for different bus routes. He/she is the main contact point for School and parents for all matters related to the school bus services. Parents are encouraged to reach the bus coordinator by phone or email or apps for enquiry. During office hours, the coordinator handles emergency situations like traffic congestion, bus excessively behind schedule etc. at first priority. For other enquiries, the bus coordinator will respond within two working days.
School Bus Service team for GSIS:
- (Peak Campus): gsisbus_peak@hksynergytravel.com
- (Pok Fu Lam Campus): gsisbus_pfl@hksynergytravel.com
Direct hotline (Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm)
- (Peak Campus): (852) 2333 3052
- (Pok Fu Lam Campus): (852) 2333 3055